TREB Online Agreements for DLA 1. 点击链接进入: TREB ONLINE AGREEMENTS 2. 登录,用你的Membership Number, PIN and Authenticator Password 3. 点击顶上的 “Start New” 4. Select “Data License Agreement” and click “Continue” 5. 选上 Acknowledge Terms and Conditions 6. 填上membership和brokerage信息: your name, your membership number, your brokerage name, and your brokerage address 7. Select “Brokerage’s Listings: Acknowledge data by checking the box in front of the statement 8. 从 “Third Party” 下拉框, 选 “ALL FOR YOU CONSULTING”, 如果没有的话,选“New Third Party Not in List.” 9. Third Party : ALL FOR YOU CONSULTING 10. Third Party Contact : Kent Zhuang 10. Third Party Email : 11. Acknowledge data by checking the box in front of the statement 12. Click “Send to Third Party“, 提交之后,我应该能收到地产局发过来的信息要求确认