
桥志物业投资集团 & 加中地产投资总商会联合举办






·        为什么现在投资阿尔伯塔省房地产?

·        为什么在艾德蒙顿和其周边地区投资?

·        尔伯塔省的油沙房地产影响

·        阿尔伯塔省艾德蒙顿市附近生地,熟地,condos, apartment buildings 等投机会


志物的服宗旨是: 给华人提供不同种类的,在不同



What do YOU deserve?


YOU have always heard that Real Estate is the way to make money.

YOU have read that Alberta Real Estate is the place to be right now.

YOU have some investments that don’t seem to be working very hard for you.

YOU are too busy to research, locate, & manage profitable properties yourself.


" Alberta real estate will outperform stocks, bonds, oil or any other investment in 2006. Whether you’ve invested in Alberta real estate before or not, this is the one time in history you’ll not want to miss."Don Campbell

“Over 90% of all millionaires become so through owning Real Estate”

– Andrew Carnegie

  : 资顾问 Lina Chen

定座电邮: chenlinda@rogers.com

定座电话: 416 548 7105 416 818 5680 (座位有限,提前预约)

时间: 104日, 8:15 – 9:30pm


6000 Lesile Street, North York, ON M2H 1J9

, on lesile between Finch and Steeles

         In Cummer Park Community Center . Free parking.